David Adama
Program Officer, Policy and Advocacy
Alliance of a Green Revolution
in Africa (AGRA)
Mr. David Inaku Adama is a Nigerian who has been involved in public policy analysis, policy advocacy, monitoring and tracking public budget spanning well over 15 years. His core interests are in Agricultural Public Expenditure, Public Finance Management (budget advocacy, transparency, participation and accountability), human rights, and social justice.
David Inaku Adama has garner considerable experience in the design of reform based programmes and projects at sub-national, national, regional but also at the Continental level with core interest on the implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) including promoting mutual accountability and implementation of the actions of the Heads of State Malabo Declaration on the Biennial Review report and the African Agriculture Transformation Scorecard & Dashboard
Over the last 15 years, David has worked with various State and Non-State actors including smallholder farmers especially women advocating for increased public financing for agriculture including pushing for the retention of the 10% budgetary commitment by the African Union Heads of States in Malabo in 2014. He has also built capacity and supported smallholder farmers to engage in and participate in the development of National Agriculture policies and Investment Plans (NAIPs) in many Africa Countries. He initiated and facilitated the process for the review of the African Union Commission “Guidance Note for enhanced measurement and tracking of government expenditure for agriculture and its quantity and quality in Africa” which has been adopted as one of the tools supporting the biennial reporting on the implementation of CAADP by the African Union Commission to the African Union Heads of States in 2018.
His current role involves working with Government and other stakeholders to implement programs that catalyzes income and food security for smallholders and transforms Africa Agriculture. But also building coalitions and strengthening partnership with other likeminded organizations like CGIARs, farmers’ organizations, Non-State Actors, INGOs, RECs, National and Sub-National Government, Ministries of agriculture, Parliaments, country agricultural consultative platforms, AUC/NEPAD, UN institutions and the donor community
David Inaku Adama is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic Calabar, holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Enugu State University of Science & Technology, and currently studying for another Master of Science in Public Policy and Management from University of London.